Invest Selangor announces the launch of ‘Program Digitalisasi Urus Tadbir Tenaga Kerja’ (PRODUTK), an initiative by the State Government of Selangor towards the digitalisation of businesses thus helping SMEs in Selangor in the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.

Invest Selangor in a statement said, PRODUTK is a workforce digitalisation programme, built with features for attendance recording and monitoring with GPS via Web and Application, work scheduling and roster, temperature report, contact tracing as well as reports and analytics.

“The launch of PRODUTK is also line with the aspiration of the state for digital transformation.

“The State Government is aware of the need for a progressive digital transformation within Selangor for all aspects of business, including operations and administrations to become more competitive in their respective industries,” it said.

Through this programme, companies are able to subscribe to a comprehensive workforce digitalisation programme where a portion of the expenses is borne by the State Government of Selangor and hope that the subscription of programme will enable companies to operate more productively, hence expediting the recovery of the state‘s economy.

Two vendors are being selected to offer their system for Selangor SMEs to consider, namely KiplePay and Timetec.

