Junior business minister Pat Breen has launched a human resources guide for small and medium-sized businesses.

Human Resources and Employment: Policies and Procedures, from Chartered Accountants Ireland, provides a ‘one-stop’ shop and comprehensive resource for SMEs in complying with employment law and following best practice in managing human resources.

The guide is co-authored by Catherine Corcoran, partner and head of chartered accountancy firm RSM Ireland’s management consulting division and barrister Joanne Healy, group employee relations manager for the Bank of Ireland Group.

Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Pat Breen said: “This manual captures the important developments in human resources and employment law in Ireland and internationally and enables employers to prepare for and adapt to the changing workplace.”

Michael Diviney of Chartered Accountants Ireland, said: “This new cutting-edge manual is an extremely useful resource on human resources for our members and for all small and medium-sized businesses.

“In a resurgent economy, with near to full employment and organisational performance more than ever reliant on our people, delivering an authentic employment experience is a true differentiator.” –LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND GAZETTE
