The recent ASEAN HR Excellence Awards 2022 held in conjunction with the Malaysia Education & TVET Awards 2022 in Kuala Lumpur saw a total of 60 training centres, education institutions and professionals recognised for their outstanding leadership and achievements in the industry. The prestigious inaugural awards ceremony was organised by and Education + TVET Asia publications. The awards were meant to be from the industry, by the industry and presented to the industry’s outstanding and deserving institutions and businesses.
‘’ is an established online portal for all things connected to human resources while ‘Education + TVET Asia’ is an approved publication by Kementerian Dalam Negeri, and a unique publication that features the best in education, training, TVET and service providers to the industry. Both the publications cover the industry’s personalities, institutions and trends with highly informative contents.
According to Emir Abdul Jalal, Organizing Chairman of the event, the inaugural awards ceremony is organised to honour outstanding HR and education institutions, best TVET institutions and boutique education service providers in Malaysia. He also said that the event is envisaged to be an annual affair in the region’s training and education events calendar.

“For this year’s event, the organisers received some 250 nominations from HR professionals, colleges, schools, home schools, training centres, language centres, skills and vocational centres, enrichment and tuition centres, preschools, trainers, instructors and coaches, IT and technology providers. The panel of judges consisting of education and training professionals plus media professionals chose 60 winners.”
The ceremony was officiated by Hajah Zanariah Binti Haji Ahmad, Director, Technical And Vocational Education Training Division, Ministry of Education. Hajah Zanariah lauded the efforts of the organisers for bringing together the educational professionals in the country especially those from the TVET sector. She welcomed more TVET players to further promote TVET education in the country as it is often perceived to be an unattractive option for school leavers. She said that the TVET education is the key to raising a skilled workforce for country’s stability and economic development.

The awards criteria included leadership, productivity, innovativeness, sustainability, brand excellence, programme excellence, service excellence, product excellence and new start-up excellence.
The award recipients include International Islamic College, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Krista Education Group, Kolej Universiti Antarabangsa MAIWP, Kolej Yayasan Pahang Advanced Skills, Giatmara Malaysia, Kolej Yayasan Felda, Geomatika Skill Instutute, Sarawak Skills Development Centre, Kolej Vokasional (Pertanian) Teluk Intan Perak, TNB Integrated Learning Solutions (ILSAS), JP Skills Centre (Johor Port Berhad), Motordata Research Consortium, Cambridge for Life and Talentbank.

The event was represented by owners of many universities and colleges, professionals, entrepreneurs and stakeholders of the industry.