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Privacy-first product enhancements support evolving regulatory landscape.

ActivTrak announced updates to its workforce analytics platform that enhance employee data privacy and increase compliance support for the growing number of labour and employment laws.

Data privacy continues to be a primary focus of recently enacted or amended state laws in New York, Delaware and Connecticut. And just last week, Senator Bob Casey, the senior Democrat from Pennsylvania, introduced a bill to curtail employer surveillance of workers.

“Visibility need not come at the expense of privacy,” said Mark Ralls, CEO, ActivTrak. “You can respect privacy and still give leaders the data they need to run their businesses more effectively. Over the last three years we have made significant investments on our platform to provide the level of privacy that workers deserve, and we are pleased to see our philosophy reflected in these new laws.”

ActivTrak’s privacy-first analytics are now the default mode for all product packages. Features that could potentially expose sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII) — such as screenshots, screen views, and the capture of title bars and detailed URLs — are excluded. Companies with business or regulatory requirements for more detailed activity tracking can still access those features with a Screen Details add-on.

ActivTrak is designed to prioritise and protect employee privacy with features that:

  • Aggregate and anonymise data
  • Control access based on role and permissions
  • Limit data collection to business hours
  • Give employees access to their data.

As a workforce analytics platform, ActivTrak does not support keystroke logging, camera access, video recording, email reading or counting. ActivTrak is also Soc 2 Type 2 certified, validating that its operational processes and controls meet the highest levels of security, privacy and governance.

“Experts increasingly recommend that businesses should avoid accessing employee PII to reduce corporate risk and comply with government and industry privacy regulations,” said Javier Aldrete, senior vice president of product, ActivTrak. “We’ve responded to the evolving needs of our customers with capabilities that offer the strictest data security and privacy controls without compromising access to valuable visibility and productivity insights.”

To learn more about ActivTrak’s privacy-first workforce analytics and industry best practices, visit:

Blog: The ActivTrak Difference: Privacy, Trust and Transparency

Blog: How ActivTrak Helps with Compliance

Blog: Monitoring Employees is Not the Goal

-PR Newswire